Cenforce 100 pills are made from sildenafil citrate and it is a PDE5 breakdown formula. It is a single pill dose that will improve blood flow in penis arteries and get erected penis properly for a long time and men will enjoy intimate time with a partner for a long time. Sildenafil was developed three decades ago by the Pfizer company to treat heart and chest pain, but it has since been used to treat erectile dysfunction.
The best time to take cenforce pills is 30 minutes before going to intimate on an empty stomach for best results, and leave a gap of 24 hours between pills. And, take pills as directed; there are variants available in pills such as 25mg, 50mg, 100mg, Cenforce 150, and 200mg dosages of cenforce pills available; take as directed; too many dosages of pills have the same effect as the body; do not increase the time if dosages increase.
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