Nowadays, we can see many skin care products that contain extracts from snow lotus herb. Because it has properties to help add water to the skin It revitalizes the skin from the sun and helps to make the skin look younger and also has other healthful properties as well. This article joker game brings the benefits of Snow Lotus to everyone to know each other
Get to know Snow Lotus Herb (Yacon Root)
Snow Lotus (Yacon Root), scientific name "Smallanthus Sonchifolius", is a plant native to South America. Approximately 1.5-2.5 meters in height, small orange-yellow flowers. It is a herbal plant that is rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the health of the body, such as the treatment of diabetes. Regulates blood pressure Promote weight loss, etc.
Nutrition information
1 kg of fresh snow lotus has the following nutritional values.
106 g carbohydrates
Fructosan 62 g.
3.7 g protein
Fiber 3.6 g
0.24 g fat
5 health benefits from snow lotus
Snow Lotus has a high nutritional value. Enriched with the following health benefits.
Cure diabetes
Snow lotus has anti-blood sugar properties. Because it is rich in fructose oligosaccharides (Fructo-Oligosaccharides: FOS) reduces the absorption of sugar. And reduces the production of glucose in the liver Eating snow lotus is ideal for diabetics.
Regulates blood pressure
Snow Lotus is rich in potassium which helps to dilate blood vessels. Improves the circulating efficiency of the blood system Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Balances the digestive system
Snow Lotus is rich in prebiotics that stimulate the growth and function of bacteria. When prebiotics are healthy, the body can get the most minerals and vitamins. Helps reduce the risk of constipation. Other digestive conditions, such as colon cancer and peptic ulcers
Nourishes the bones
Snow Lotus is rich in fructo-oligosaccharides. Which has properties that help increase the absorption of calcium in the body Helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis, fractures, it also promotes the absorption of minerals from the colon and helps maintain bone mass.