Change your AOL Mail password if you suspect your account has been hacked, want to change your password to something stronger and more difficult to deduce or want your AOL password to be something you can easily remember. When it's time to change your current Password, make the change in your AOL account information screen.
To alter the Password for your AOL Mail account using a web browser on your computer:
1. Click your name (located in the upper-right corner of the screen) to open the account information screen.
The account name on the AOL homepage
2. Go to the left panel and select Account Security.
Account Security heading in AOL settings
3. Go to the How you sign in section and select Change password.
The Change Password link in the "How you sign in" section of AOL Account Security settings
4. Sign again and complete a test to prove you're not a robot.
The AOL sign-in screen
5. Enter a new password in the New password field. As you enter a new password, AOL evaluates it for strength. Click Continue to save.
Choose a password that is both difficult to guess and easy to remember.
The password strength indicator on AOL
6. Click Continue on the success screen.
Continue button on "success" screen for a changed password on AOL.
7. If the Password looks good, the change is made immediately. You are given a chance to add a recovery email address or recovery phone number, recommended but not required.
Recovery options on AOL
Change Your AOL Mail Password in iOS.
If you use the aol mail help to access your AOL mail on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, change your Password in the app.